
This note is about the concept of teaching.

Teaching in the real-world situations of limited resources is always a task of prioritisation and, therefore, exclusion. Thus, teaching is always violent (see Violence) in the way learning is violent, symbolically and epistemologically.

The job here is to acknowledge and minimise the resulting harm. For example, by controlling innovation and change that are also intrinsically violent and destructive.

On the techniques of teaching, see

This note is about pedagogy. As such, it relates to Teaching and Learning.

Opportunities of Ecocentric Education

Problems with Human education

Cf. curriculum violence: academic programming which compromises the intellectual or psychological well-being of learners (or others).

Problems with Critical Traditional

Freire figures nonhuman animals in three main ways: as non-communicative and non- dialogical, as non-agential and non-transforming, and as without history or culture.

Corman, Lauren. “Impossible Subjects: The Figure of the Animal in Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed.” Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, no. 16 (2011): 29–45. Acampora, Ralph. “Zoögogy of the Oppressed.” Journal for Critical Animal Studies 18, no. 1 (2021): 4–18.
