A domain of notes that can include design practices, interesting projects, interesting individuals. A library of examples for future use.
Participatory Design
Brave New Alps ( An interesting research and practice initiative that explores a lot of relevant themes
Organisations, Practices and Research Groups
Groups looking at interspecies design or similar:
Architecture | Fungi | Biomaterial (
HBBE – Biotechnology in the Built Environment
CITA - Centre for Information Technology and Architecture | Royal Danish Academy
symbioticspaces researchproject - multispecies habitats for urban wildlife - 3D printed in clay
bioDigital matter lab (@biodigitalmatter)
ADD – Animal-Aided Design (
Ants of the Prairie › architecture
The Expanded Environment | Explorations in Cospecies Coshaping (
- Alternative Communities
- Animal Aided Design
- Artificial Reefs
- Biodiversity Sensitive Design
- Bofill
- Data Visualisation
- Drawing
- Eye
- Frei Otto
- Funded Projects
- Gardening
- Gramazio Kohler
- Illustration
- Installation
- Interspecies Art Precedents
- Landscape
- Landscape Architecture
- Literature
- Mapping
- More-than-Human Design
- Open Source
- Parametric
- Projects
- Superstudio
- Technique
- Toyo Ito
- Wrapping