Artificial Reefs

This note is about artificial reefs and other artificial habitat-structures near, at, under water.


  • shorelines
  • grey/green infrastructure
  • reefs
  • interspecies cultures
  • large-scale events, pressures, justifications for action, feasibility of action


For an overview on seascapes (cf. landscapes or urban environments), see:

Pittman, Simon, ed. Seascape Ecology: Taking Landscape Ecology into the Sea. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2017.

On living shorelines (an important justification for coral reefs is that they can help to mitigate water/land interfaces):

Bilkovic, Donna Marie, ed. Living Shorelines: The Science and Management of Nature-Based Coastal Protection. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2017.

Reguero, Borja G., Michael W. Beck, Vera N. Agostini, Philip Kramer, and Boze Hancock. ‘Coral Reefs for Coastal Protection: A New Methodological Approach and Engineering Case Study in Grenada’. Journal of Environmental Management 210 (2018): 146–61.

Reguero, Borja G., Michael W. Beck, David N. Bresch, Juliano Calil, and Imen Meliane. ‘Comparing the Cost Effectiveness of Nature-Based and Coastal Adaptation: A Case Study from the Gulf Coast of the United States’. Edited by Juan A. Añel. PLOS ONE 13, no. 4 (11 April 2018): e0192132.

Scyphers, Steven B., Sean P. Powers, Kenneth L. Heck Jr, and Dorothy Byron. ‘Oyster Reefs as Natural Breakwaters Mitigate Shoreline Loss and Facilitate Fisheries’. PLOS ONE 6, no. 8 (2011): e22396.

On artificial marine habitats, see:

Sutton, Stephen G., and Sally L. Bushnell. ‘Socio-Economic Aspects of Artificial Reefs: Considerations for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park’. Ocean & Coastal Management 50, no. 10 (January 2007): 829–46.

Sutton-Grier, Ariana E., Kateryna Wowk, and Holly Bamford. ‘Future of Our Coasts: The Potential for Natural and Hybrid Infrastructure to Enhance the Resilience of Our Coastal Communities, Economies and Ecosystems’. Environmental Science & Policy 51 (August 2015): 137–48.

Feary, David A., John A. Burt, and Aaron Bartholomew. ‘Artificial Marine Habitats in the Arabian Gulf: Review of Current Use, Benefits and Management Implications’. Ocean & Coastal Management 54, no. 10 (October 2011): 742–49.

Tynyakov, Jenny, Meghan Rousseau, Mori Chen, Orlando Figus, Yaniv Belhassen, and Nadav Shashar. ‘Artificial Reefs as a Means of Spreading Diving Pressure in a Coral Reef Environment’. Ocean & Coastal Management 149 (November 2017): 159–64.

Baine, Mark. ‘Artificial Reefs: A Review of Their Design, Application, Management and Performance’. Ocean & Coastal Management 44, no. 3–4 (2001): 241–59.

On the environmental history of the reefs (including the Great Barrier Reef), see:

Daley, Ben. The Great Barrier Reef: An Environmental History. London: Routledge, 2014.

Bowen, James, ed. The Coral Reef Era: From Discovery to Decline ; a History of Scientific Investigation from 1600 to the Anthropocene Epoch. Cham: Springer, 2015.

Bowen, James, and Margarita Bowen. The Great Barrier Reef: History, Science, Heritage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

These are rather basic clay-printed structures:

Berman, Ofer, Michael Weizman, Asa Oren, Reem Neri, Haim Parnas, Nadav Shashar, and Ezri Tarazi. ‘Design and Application of a Novel 3D Printing Method for Bio-Inspired Artificial Reefs’. Ecological Engineering 188 (2023): 106892.
