G04 No Humans


  • supremacy, domination, oppression. What is the history of supremacy? What might the alternatives look like across levels of governance?
  • agency and individuality
  • symbiosis and mutualism
  • systems biology, Earth system
  • holobiont, ecological consortia, superorganisms
  • Longtermism
  • planetary boundaries and the safe operation space

What is a civilisation?

Consider Podcast - Institute for Ecological Civilization.

Slijepcevic, Predrag. Biocivilisations: A New Look at the Science of Life. White River Junction: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2023.

What is the civilizational or ecosystem collapse?

Diamond, Jared M. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive. London: Allen Lane, 2005.

Diamond, Jared M. Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations in Crisis. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2019.

Consider two scenarios:

  1. The Earth live services but humans do not.
  2. Humans survive is largely artificial environments with no wild/autonomous life left. What would be criteria for such survival? Is it at all possible? What is the necessary minimum for co-present nonhuman life?

See, materials on symbiosis, e.g.:

Symbiotic Earth: How Lynn Margulis Rocked the Boat and Started a Scientific Revolution. Documentary, 2017.

What are the interesting destinations for such research? The Futures journal. The People and Nature journal.