Cf. Biosemiotics, Representation, Representation
Vuuren, Zany Jansen van. ‘Translation Between Non-Humans and Humans’. In Translation Beyond Translation Studies, edited by Kobus Marais, 219–30. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2022.
Good as required reading for students, uses horses as an example.
- ecolinguistics
- cognitive ethology
Our reason for the interest in translation between beings/species is the political voice and future-oriented design action, something biosemiotics, for example, does not do because it mostly focuses on explanations.
Hierarchy from design as a political action, towards voice, towards signs.
Ecosemiotics and translation studies as the foundation of design representation.
Interspecies translation studies. Ecotranslation.
- Humans have created ecologies where species would otherwise not have interacted.
- The communication between organisms is often mistranslated because receptors of different species provide different signals.
- Translation is necessary for one species to understand another.
- Humans need translation to understand other beings in shared spaces.
Cronin, Thomas W. Visual Ecology. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014.
Cronin, Michael. Eco-Translation: Translation and Ecology in the Age of the Anthropocene. London: Routledge, 2017.