Research Directions

This is a working note is about research directions pursued by Deep Design Lab.

  • Advanced architectural geometries; procedural designing; parametric designing; generative designing; adaptive architectures; automated fabrication

  • Bioinspiration; digital morphogenesis; complex systems; self-organization; emergence

  • Hybrid, digital-physical environments; interactive multimedia; urban media; location-specific media; virtual environments; computer games; persistent online environments

  • Performative construction of place; dynamic places; dramatic places; narrative construction of reality; spatially expressive narrative; narrative expressive space

  • Practice-based research methodologies in art, design and architecture; interdisciplinary and integrative designing; investigative designing; tacit and experiential knowledge; academic writing and alternative ways of reporting; visual and performative reporting; evocative, narrative and dramatic approaches to learning and knowing

  • Participatory and inclusive designing; distributed and social creativity; creative communities; innovation

  • Evocative art history; microhistories

  • Social, environmental and technical ecologies; social sustainability; green design; supercycling and upcycling; re-design and creative reuse of waste