Why Do It

This note discusses reasons for embarking of a research career in design.


  • fun
  • travel
  • innovative creative work
  • autonomy and freedom
  • unbounded learning with expert support across disciplines
  • an opportunity to meet and work with leaders in the field
  • exciting career paths


  • PhD is for people who cannot design, have not artistic flair, or technical skill but who can analyse surveys of users or interviews for months and months
  • PhD has no relevance to practical design


  • practice-based
  • embedded
  • by publication

Where to Start

  • how to think about a topic
  • how to approach reserach groups or academics
  • what to read in preparation


  • example of interesting people who completed a PhD in design
  • examples of interesting projects


  • Do I need to be an outstanding writer?
  • Will I be able to work alongside my studies?
  • Will I forget all my practical skills and fall behind my peers?
