Field Work

This is a typical table that can be useful when planning field work, residencies, visiting scholar trips, conference trips, exhibition, installations, etc.

  • Destination: organisation, conference, exhibition, person or as appropriate. Include the name, nature and place.
  • Dates: when will you travel or conduct the activity?
  • Objectives: what is the purpose of your trip and field work? Explain and link to documents defining the research plan, argument structures, etc.
  • Activities: what will you do?
  • Investment: costs and other necessary preparations including time (development, preparation, as well as when in the field), materials or as appropriate
  • Outputs: presentation, seminar, workshop, conference paper, journal article, exhibition, social media or press publications, interviews, etc. Plan and list both formal and informal outputs.
  • Impact: how will you measure the impact? Plan to collect information of the peer-review process, statistics or as appropriate.