
Imaging and sensing of ecosystem's physical features.

D’Urban Jackson, Tim, Gareth J. Williams, Guy Walker-Springett, and Andrew J. Davies. ‘Three-Dimensional Digital Mapping of Ecosystems: A New Era in Spatial Ecology’. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287, no. 1920 (2020): 20192383.

Galison, Peter, and Caroline A. Jones, eds. Picturing Science, Producing Art. Abingdon: Routledge, 1998.

Halpern, Orit. Beautiful Data: A History of Vision and Reason Since 1945. Durham: Duke University Press, 2015.

Coopmans, Catelijne, ed. Representation in Scientific Practice Revisited. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2014.



  • Amira or Avizo (FEI-VSG)
  • CTAn and CTVol (Bruker)
  • ImagePro (Media Cybernetics)
  • Imaris (Oxford Instruments Bitplane)
  • Mimics (Materialise)
  • ScanIP (Simpleware)
  • Octopus (inCT and Inside Matters)
  • uCT (Scanco)
  • VG Studio (Volume Graphics)


  • 3D Slicer (Pixmeo)
  • Chimera (UCSF)
  • Dream3D (Blue Quartz)
  • ImageJ or FIJI
  • IMOD (University of Colorado)
  • OsiriX
  • VisIt (LLNL)
