Artificial Habitat Structur

Otherwise known as:

  • artificial refuge

The review of reserach and for suggested methods on the evaluation of such structures:

Cowan, Mitchell A., Michael N. Callan, Maggie J. Watson, David M. Watson, Tim S. Doherty, Damian R. Michael, Judy A. Dunlop, et al. ‘Artificial Refuges for Wildlife Conservation: What Is the State of the Science?’ Biological Reviews 96, no. 6 (2021): 2735–54.

Reconstruction, Mimicking, Generation

Levy, Natalie, Ofer Berman, Matan Yuval, Yossi Loya, Tali Treibitz, Ezri Tarazi, and Oren Levy. ‘Emerging 3D Technologies for Future Reformation of Coral Reefs: Enhancing Biodiversity Using Biomimetic Structures Based on Designs by Nature’. Science of The Total Environment 830 (2022): 154749.

Evans, Ally J., Peter J. Lawrence, Atteyeh S. Natanzi, Pippa J. Moore, Andrew J. Davies, Tasman P. Crowe, Ciaran McNally, Bryan Thompson, Amy E. Dozier, and Paul R. Brooks. ‘Replicating Natural Topography on Marine Artificial Structures – a Novel Approach to Eco-Engineering’. Ecological Engineering 160 (2021): 106144.

Review of techniques in application to reefs:


Levy, Natalie, Ofer Berman, Matan Yuval, Yossi Loya, Tali Treibitz, Ezri Tarazi, and Oren Levy. ‘Emerging 3D Technologies for Future Reformation of Coral Reefs: Enhancing Biodiversity Using Biomimetic Structures Based on Designs by Nature’. Science of the Total Environment 830 (2022): 154749.


Prem, Erich. ‘From Ethical AI Frameworks to Tools: A Review of Approaches’. AI and Ethics, 2023.



The Ecostructure Project

  1. Tree
