
An example on the use of styling in Mermaid

graph TD %%classDef classDef classAlert fill:red,color:white,stroke-width:2px,stroke:darkRed classDef classOk fill:green,color:#00FF00,stroke-width:2px,stroke:darkGreen classDef classWarn fill:orange,color:#FF0,stroke-width:2px,stroke:darkOrange %%flowchart A[Default style] --> B[Alert style!] A --> C[OK style!] A --> D[Warning style!] %%Style class B classAlert class C classOk class D classWarn

Another example with link control

graph LR; AF{AF} U[U] U--WI-->AF U--NLP-->AF linkStyle default fill:none,stroke:green,stroke-width:1px linkStyle 1 fill:none,stroke:red,stroke-width:1px