Respectful Design

Richard Sennett’s definition of respect


Herbert Simon’s definition of design


A definition of respectful design as “the creation of preferred courses of action based on the intrinsic worth of all human, animal, mineral, fauna and flora and the treatment of them with dignity and regard”

Tunstall, Elizabeth (Dori). ‘Respectful Design: A Proposed Journey of Design Education’. In ICOGRADA Design Education Manifesto 2011, edited by Omar Vulpinari and Audrey G. Bennett, 133–35. Montréal: International Council of Graphic Design Associations, 2011.


Sennett, Richard. Respect in a World of Inequality. New York: Norton, 2004.

Tunstall, Elizabeth (Dori). ‘Decolonizing Design Innovation: Design Anthropology, Critical Anthropology, and Indigenous Knowledge’. In Design Anthropology: Theory and Practice, edited by Wendy Gunn, Ton Otto, and Rachel Charlotte Smith, 232–50. London: Bloomsbury, 2013.
