
Plants in Communities

Evolved, historical, current, and potential relationships, services, contribution, and dependencies of plants in ecological and cultural communities.

services/mutualisms energy/fuood habitat oxigen ground stabilisation

Ernwein, Marion, Franklin Ginn, and James Palmer, eds. The Work That Plants Do: Life, Labour and the Future of Vegetal Economies. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2021.

Restricted Lives of Plants

Restrictions and curtailments of plant lives now.

practical situations/constraints life stages curtailed natural propagation limited plants are dissosiated from their places controlled lives (feeding, breeding

Plants in Political Ecology

Political/justice aspects voice: plants across scales resistance

Plants are largely neglected in political ecology that focuses on human-like beings and a concrete case:

Fleming, Jake. ‘Toward Vegetal Political Ecology: Kyrgyzstan’s Walnut–Fruit Forest and the Politics of Graftability’. Geoforum 79 (2017): 26–35.

Weeds are a way plants survive and resist:

Argüelles, Lucía, and Hug March. ‘Weeds in Action: Vegetal Political Ecology of Unwanted Plants’. Progress in Human Geography 46, no. 1 (2022): 44–66.

Design oriented relationship with plants and the importance of naming/framing:

Gesing, Friederike. ‘Towards a More-Than-Human Political Ecology of Coastal Protection: Coast Care Practices in Aotearoa New Zealand’. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 4, no. 2 (2021): 208–29.

Plant blindness:

Thomas, Howard. ‘Grass Blindness’. Plants, People, Planet 1, no. 3 (2019): 197–203.

Thomas, Howard, Helen Ougham, and Dawn Sanders. ‘Plant Blindness and Sustainability’. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 23, no. 1 (2021): 41–57.

Capabilities of Plants as Political Actors

evolved capabilities plants as heritage: what can be preserved stages of life: interspecies cultures: behaviour and mutualism death cognition, sensing, memory

Propose some ways to address this

Hall, Matthew. ‘How Plants Live: Individuality, Activity, and Self’. Environmental Philosophy 17, no. 2 (2021): 317–45.

Engaging with Plants

Translations Observations Models and simulations Stories

Precedents and Best Practice

Botanical art or all kind. Illustration, Illustration


Lawrence, Anna M. ‘Listening to Plants: Conversations Between Critical Plant Studies and Vegetal Geography’. Progress in Human Geography 46, no. 2 (2021): 629–51.

Thorogood, Chris. ‘Astonishing Plants’. Trends in Plant Science 25, no. 9 (2020): 833–36.

McGaley, Jennifer, and Uta Paszkowski. ‘Visualising an Invisible Symbiosis’. Plants, People, Planet 3, no. 5 (2021): 462–70.

Artistic precedent:

Ginn, Franklin, and Katy Connor. ‘Vegetal HydroPoetics: An Arts-Based Practice for Plant Studies’. Cultural Geographies, 2022, 14744740221135012.

Story Topics

how do patterns of political participation relate to capabilities of living beings?