M3 Panelling
An important outcome of these tasks is learning to learn contemporary tools.
These skills are craft. There are tools but there is no correct way to use them. The challenge is to develop your own creative approaches. So, experimentation is important.
Paneling tools is a precursor to techniques that allow designers to postpone decisions and easily reconfigure design. The other point is driving designs with data and making versions more easy to compare.
Or, for unrolling, you could do quick research on how to automate it. Beyond expectations but is a standard tasks that is well described in the online tutorials and forums.
Same with rendering, lots of ideas and information online.
Observations on Work
- Aim to achieve, demonstrate and assess technical innovation. Ability to use tools and techniques instead of more arbitrary compositional and design characteristics
- Consider higher-level objectives
- panel differentiation
- optimisation
- libraries of panels
- statistics of material expenditures and costs
- ask the students to make a physical model of a portion of the panelled geometry, otherwise, an important skill is missing
- Encourage students to link the descriptions and the design work to the potential in design, construction, real-world examples
- Provide a structure for what they should write and justify it. Ask to include a reference and/or a citation into the text to link to the readings and the lecture content