
This note is about the concept of 'parametric', especially in design.


  • procedural modelling/design
  • generative modelling/design
  • computational design (as distinct from CAD, digital design, etc.)
  • generative modelling/design/art
  • rule-based or algorithmic modelling/design
  • evidence-based and data-driven designing
  • visual or node-based programming
  • automation
  • mass-customisation
  • material computation
  • form-finding
  • system art
  • bottom-up designing, emergent system, architecture without architects

Parametric Design

For an incomplete sketch of the intellectual history of "parametric" design, see the list below.

  • phyllotaxis is an example of geometric/numerical constraint (such as the Fbonacci sequence, logarithmic spirals, etc.) where patterns that are possible mathematically restrict/enable the development of leaves and other parts of plants, they same applies to statistical/probability constraints
  • bird nests, ventilation systems in termite nests, ant hills, hexagonal cells built by bees, spider webs are all examples of rule-based, material/body/space constrained processes that find form/procedure/nice-based solutions
  • Cave towns (Cappadocia, systematic excavation, adaptability, efficient use of materials), component-based structures (bricks, timber elements for logs huts and many other forms, reed for roofing, Chinese/Japanese joinery, Egyptian pyramids, etc.) and other traditional forms of collective dwelling can also be seen as forms of constraint-informed design exploration.
  • Vitruvius, Greek architectural orders, standardised elements, proportional systems, rule-based design
  • Roman mass production, pottery, clay tiles, bricks mosaics, sculptures, buildings
  • Venetian Arsenal, standard parts, assembly lines, specialised labour, supply chains, continuous improvement
  • Antonio Gaudi, hanging chains for catenary arches, novel/complex/locally fitted forms
  • Exquisite corpse (Surrealists), drip paintings (Pollock), instructions works (Fluxus) as examples of exploration into emergent patterns, same in many forms of traditional and regional art before
  • Luigi Moretti, generative form-finding
  • Ivan Sutherland, constraints in drafting software
  • Frei Otto, material computation and form-finding
  • Maurice Ruiter, industrial design with parameters
  • David Rutten, visual programming for architects

Bredella, Nathalie. The Architectural Imagination at the Digital Turn. Abingdon: Routledge, 2022.

Caetano, Inês, Luís Santos, and António Leitao. “Computational Design in Architecture: Defining Parametric, Generative, and Algorithmic Design.” Frontiers of Architectural Research 9, no. 2 (2020): 287–300.

Gu, Ning, Rongrong Yu, and Peiman Amini Behbahani. “Parametric Design: Theoretical Development and Algorithmic Foundation for Design Generation in Architecture.” In Handbook of the Mathematics of the Arts and Sciences, edited by Bharath Sriraman, 1361–83. Cham: Springer, 2021.

Harding, John E., and Paul Shepherd. “Meta-Parametric Design.” Design Studies 52 (2017): 73–95.

Jabi, Wassim. Parametric Design for Architecture. London: Laurence King, 2013.

Lee, Ju Hyun, and Michael J. Ostwald. “Creative Decision-Making Processes in Parametric Design.” Buildings 10, no. 12 (2020): 242.

Oxman, Rivka E. “Editorial: Parametric Design Thinking.” Design Studies 52 (2017): 1–3.

Oxman, Rivka E. “Thinking Difference: Theories and Models of Parametric Design Thinking.” Design Studies 52 (2017): 4–39.

Oxman, Rivka E., ed. “Parametric Design Thinking.” Special issue. Design Studies 52 (2017). Vasconselos, Tássia Borges de, and David Sperling. “From Representational to Parametric and Algorithmic Interactions: A Panorama of Digital Architectural Design Teaching in Latin America.” International Journal of Architectural Computing 15, no. 3 (2017): 215–29.

Woodbury, Robert. Elements of Parametric Design. London: Routledge, 2010.

Wortmann, Thomas, and Bige Tunçer. “Differentiating Parametric Design: Digital Workflows in Contemporary Architecture and Construction.” Design Studies 52 (September 2017): 173–97.

Abilities of Parametric Design to Express Place

Parametric/constraint-based design can take multiple local properties into account, for example through multi-criteria optimisation that will compromise to express local conditions in structure, etc.

  • solar radiation as predictable patterns, statistical probabilities, shading simulations
  • wind water patterns as statistical models and fluid dynamics
  • various forms of traffic
  • seismic activity
  • weather
  • ground conditions

Locality/community/system/place-dependent outcomes can include:

  • unique local configurations
  • material economy (lightweight structures, reuse of nonstandard, discarded local materials and objects)
  • energy economy (passive ventilation)
  • biodegradability
  • bioreceptive structures
  • designing in response to nonhuman umwelten
  • structures fitting unique and unusual sites

Languages as Parametric Systems

Cf. parametric theory of generative linguistics in application to the syntax of natural languages.

  • universal grammar
  • parameters such as head-initial languages (e.g., English) or head-final (Japanese) and word order
  • null subject parameter in Spanish and Italian
  • parameter setting when children learn specific parameters based on linguistic input, enabling efficient acquisition and use

As a result, natural languages might appear different but share underlying structures.

This is even more pronounced in artificial/programming languages.

Digital/Computational Turn

Burry, Mark. Scripting Cultures: Architectural Design and Programming. Chichester: Wiley, 2011.

Carpo, Mario. The Second Digital Turn: Design Beyond Intelligence. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2017.

Kolarevic, Branko. Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing. New York: Taylor & Francis, 2003.

Oxman, Rivka E., and Robert Oxman. Theories of the Digital in Architecture. New York: Routledge, 2014.

Roudavski, Stanislav. “Towards Morphogenesis in Architecture.” International Journal of Architectural Computing 7, no. 3 (2009): 346–74.

Walliss, Jillian, and Heike Rahmann. Landscape Architecture and Digital Technologies: Re-Conceptualising Design and Making. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016.


Abdullah, Hardi K. “Exploring the Meaning in Parametricism: A Semiotic Approach.” Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 2024, 1–13.

Benedikt, Michael, Kory Bieg, and Graham Harman, eds. “Response to Schumacher.” In The Secret Life of Buildings. Center 21. Austin: University of Texas at Austin, 2018.

Gyulai, Levente, and Vilmos Katona. “A Methodological Overview of Parametricism: Lessons from a Case Study.” Symmetry: Culture and Science 31, no. 3 (2020): 365–81.

Moss, Eric Owen, and Patrik Schumacher. “Parametricism And Pied Piperism: Responding to Patrik Schumacher.” Log, no. 21 (2011): 81–87.

Patrick Schumacher. Parametricism 2.0: Rethinking Architecture’s Agenda for the 21st Century. Architectural Design: Profile No. 240. London: John Wiley & Sons, 2016.

Poole, Matthew, and Manuel Shvartzberg, eds. The Politics of Parametricism: Digital Technologies in Architecture. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.

Schumacher, Patrik. The Autopoiesis of Architecture: A New Framework for Architecture. Hoboken: Wiley, 2011.

Schumacher, Patrik. “Design Parameters to Parametric Design.” In The Routledge Companion for Architecture Design and Practice: Established and Emerging Trends, edited by Mitra Kanaani and David Alan Kopec, 3–20. Routledge. New York: Routledge, 2016.

Schumacher, Patrik. “The Parametricist Epoch: Let the Style Wars Begin.” The Architects’ Journal 231, no. 16 (May 6, 2010): 41–45.