Smart Novel Ecology

See: ..\Deep Design Lab - Documents\Research\Light\05_Dissemination\Smart Novel Ecologies.docx

Smart Novel Ecologies

  • What is smartness?
  • What are novel ecologies?
  • Case-study: Light Pollution

Issues of importance and knowledge gaps

Disparity of cultures; lack of work on interspecies culture

Animal presence, habits, ethology, needs, mobility (Hodgetts and Lorimer 2018), etc. Not enough data and not enough data that is useable for design. Need for smart technologies for novel ecologies (not only for conservation(Adams 2019)).


Adams, William M. 2019. “Geographies of Conservation II: Technology, Surveillance and Conservation by Algorithm.” Progress in Human Geography 43 (2): 337–50.

Hodgetts, Timothy, and Jamie Lorimer. 2018. “Animals’ Mobilities.” Progress in Human Geography, December, 1–29.
