Mushroom Hunting

Refer to Fungi

A potential story/article describing the relationship between human and nonhuman lifeforms in a particular place and activity.


Энциклопедия грибов «ВикиГриб»


Folk names of mushrooms in Russian often express relationships of mushrooms with plants or places where they grow. For example:

  • "Белый гриб" (white mushroom, Boletus edulis) is also called "дубовик" (oak mushroom) or "боровик" (pine mushroom).
  • "Моховик" (moss mushrooms, the most common species in this group is Xerocomus subtomentosus, also known as the "suede bolete" or "brown and yellow bolete.")
  • "Подберёзовик" (общее название для группы видов грибов рода лекцинум; e.g., birch bolete, Leccinum scabrum)
  • "Подосиновик" (осиновик, красноголовик; общее название для нескольких видов грибов рода лекцинум (обабок) (лат. Leccinum), e.g., bay bolete, Leccinum aurantiacum)

Mushroom Hunting / Сбор грибов / По грибы

Possible essay titles:

Notes of a hunter-gatherer. Well, as we never 'hunted' it should be gatherer only. 'The Notes of a Non-Palaeolithic Gatherer'.


  • Places
  • Time
  • Relationships
  • Perceptions
  • Dwelling
  • Companions (dogs, other humans, familiar/unfamiliar humans and how the relationships with them change or become possible for that period only; how this expands once life)
  • Exploitation
  • Rubbish
  • Myth/folk knowledge/local knowledge/books (now the Internet); personal practices: picking certain mushrooms and leaving others, how it is linked to other practices such as cooking and eating

The way I used to dream about the forest for rushing in front of my eyes

The way mushroom hunting as any other action-oriented engagement with the forest (nature, or anything) lead to deeper and very differently structured impressions, memories, understandings and mental landscapes.

A leisure walker would usually go in a forest and follow a given, known path. This path might be aesthetically pleasing, appear safe, useful as an exercise, provide a memorable destination. In most cases, the walker will follow the path and, therefore, the patterns already established by others. They will not go off the path into the scrub. In most cases, the design of parkland and the advice to human visitors discourage this too.

By contrast, a mushroom hunter will see the forest as a system of dwellings. These mushrooms grow here, the other mushrooms grow there. The hunters will engage with time differently too, the best time to go into the forest is a couple of days after rain. The mushroom season will constrain the forest walking season but also extend it into the months that fall beyond those set out for holidays by human cultures. For example, in Russia, this will mean going into the forest in September, when the school starts and the work too. This time can be good for mushrooms but especially for different berries.

Notes about 45th kilometre

Few people ever hunt spring mushrooms even if everyone knows about them.

Baskets for carrying mushrooms.

Bomb and shell bogs.


Flattening coins on rails.

History of fighting at Mga.

German helmets and other such items.

Белые грузди.

Синявинские болота.

  • Initial learning of places

  • Navigating without maps

  • Relationship to weather, seasons, time of day, human use patterns

  • Human interventions (buildings, roads, railways, paths, clearings, dams, electric lines, etc.) and the response of the forest

  • Mushroom hunting

  • Knowing the place without the maps

  • Speed of walking and the focus of attention

  • Early departures and tired returns

  • Counting systems

  • Going with friends, mother dogs, good hunters

  • Winning

  • Eating mushrooms

  • Picking and preparing

  • Mosquitos and rain

  • Development of habits

  • Not as close as animal. Or a native. But reflective. But also exploitative. Still hunting. Same point like in Foster. Hunting makes you know the nature differently and more closely

  • Never in winter

Summer Cottages (дача)

Татьяна Нефедова, дачеводство.

Ioffe, Grigoriĭ, and Tatyana Nefedova. The Environs of Russian Cities. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.

Pallot, Judith, and Tatyana Nefedova. Russia’s Unknown Agriculture: Household Production in Post-Communist Russia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.

Web sources:

Российские дачи в разном масштабе пространства и времени Elibrary

Mushrooms and forests disappearing for the winter. Or appearing completely different.

Imperceptible transition into the forests. All different types of forest. Forest actually changing quickly. Uniqueness of forest to each human generation.

The need to wake up in the morning, early. Tiredness when walking back after the whole day in the forest. Walking in gumboots. Fresh in the morning but hot in the afternoon when coming back. Dragging feet and scraping the ground with gum heels.

Liska, the dog, sometimes joining to come along but usually abandoning the trip early and returning home on his own.

Mosquitos and biting flies. The use of the eau de cologne "Гвоздика". Generally, the greater tolerance towards the bites of the insects but also to tiredness, being wet, being thirsty and hungry.

Embodied Experience

Cf. with the experiences of Polynesian navigation. As a child, one learns about the forest by a slow accrual of experiences. The navigation in the forest is also probabilistic, making decisions with likely outcomes and adjusting in response to feedback, like the traditional navigators in the open sea.

  • several forests
  • forest patterns
  • destinations
  • landmarks
  • railways, roads and paths
  • human settlements, anthills, etc
  • rivers, bogs, воронки

Precedent Writing

Nicolson, Adam. The Sea Is Not Made of Water: Life Between the Tides. London: William Collins, 2021.


The mushroom hunting in Sweden is surprisingly recent.

Svanberg, Ingvar, and Hanna Lindh. “Mushroom Hunting and Consumption in Twenty-First Century Post-Industrial Sweden.” Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 15, no. 1 (2019): 42.

Mina, Giorgio, Valentina Scariot, Giovanni Peira, and Giampiero Lombardi. “Foraging Practices and Sustainable Management of Wild Food Resources in Europe: A Systematic Review.” Land 12, no. 7 (2023): 1299.

Jalinik, Mikołaj, Tomasz Pawłowicz, Piotr Borowik, and Tomasz Oszako. “Mushroom Picking as a Special Form of Recreation and Tourism in Woodland Areas—A Case Study of Poland.” Forests 15, no. 3 (2024): 573.

"...the uses, consumption practices, and popular beliefs related to wild mushrooms in Europe and Siberia from the Neolithic period to the present day."

Chauvin-Payan, Carole. “Wild Mushrooms: Uses, Consumption and Popular Beliefs from Europe to Eastern Siberia.” Revue d’ethnoécologie, no. 25 (2024).

  • Mycophobes: the Celts, the Germans and the Scandinavians, “peoples of the North Seas”.
  • Mycophiles: the Slavs and part of the Mediterranean basin populations.

Wasson, Valentina Pavlovna, and R. Gordon Wasson. Mushrooms, Russia and History. New York: Pantheon Books, 1957.

Шурупова, Марина Федоровна. “Лесные грибы и ягоды в повседневной культуре россиян: традиции, современные тенденции.” In Экологические и биологические основы повышения продуктивности и устойчивости природных и искусственно возобновленных лесных экосистем. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной 100-летию высшего лесного образования в г. Воронеж и ЦЧР России, 2:331–40. Воронеж: Воронежский государственный лесотехнический университет им. Г.Ф. Морозова, 2018.
