

Walking (but also swimming, sailing, living, etc.) as a research method.

Nataša Rogelja Caf, ‘Walking with the Rižana River: Ethnographic Experiments in the Anthropocene’, Anthropological Notebooks 28, no. 3 (2022): 11–38, https://doi.org/10/gsjq78.

Freya Mathews, Journey to the Source of the Merri (Charnwood, AU: Ginninderra Press, 2003).

Maarit Mäkelä and Bilge Merve Aktaş, ‘Learning with the Natural Environment: How Walking with Nature Can Actively Shape Creativity and Contribute to Holistic Learning’, International Journal of Art & Design Education 42, no. 1 (2023): 139–54, https://doi.org/10/j2n3.

Stephanie Springgay and Sarah E. Truman, Walking Methodologies in a More-Than-Human World: WalkingLab (Abingdon: Routledge, 2018).


Jean Perraton, Swimming Against the Stream (Charlbury: Jon Carpenter, 2013).


Charles Foster, Being a Beast (London: Profile Books, 2016).
