
Key Notions

As a way to connect stories and narratives together.

Articulating of big stories and connections.

Cf. Haraway and ‘sympoietic worlding’, or ‘multispecies worlding’ that can include all kinds of creatures

Haraway, Donna J. Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene. Durham: Duke University Press, 2016.

Ordinary stories, such as merely becoming involved in each other’s lives, becoming entangled, propose ways to nurture well-being on an already damaged planet

help open passages for a praxis of care and response, not as stories of heroes, but at tales of the ongoing

Rather than escaping the present with grand narratives, bad endings, designs that attempt to solve problems, or avoiding the recognition of our continuous engagement with others - pay attention to the existing everyday worlding practices

Cf. Lynn Margulis

Cf. Ursula LeGuin and her conception of stories

Cf. Storyworlds of Faulkner, Proust, Joice, Gogol

Alternative Uses

Terminology of Heidegger and used since. Distinguish from that.

